Frequently Asked Questions
You've got questions, we've got answers!
Do I need to purchase a meal plan?
Yes! It's a great value and it is AAU's policy that all designated Campus Residents purchase a meal plan each semester.
Can I change my meal plan if it does not fit my needs?
Yes! Changing to a bigger or smaller meal plan can be done during the first two weeks of school by contacting the Housing Department. Changing to a larger plan is possible at any time during the semester. All other changes must be requested by the Director of Housing.
If I'm not a Resident Hall Student, where do I buy my meal plan?
If you live off-campus, you can purchase a traditional meal plan on our site. You can also sign up for and participate in our Knight Kash program.
Where is my meal plan and Knight Kash stored?
Your meal plan and Knight Kash are pre-loaded onto your AAU ID Card at the beginning of each semester. Each entrance into one of our resident dining cafes deducts one (1) meal credit from your plan. Any unused meal credits are forfeited each semester and any unused Knight Kash is forfeited at the end of spring semester.
Our House Rules
You never have to be too shy to ask for seconds with our Campus Dining Program. Our generous policy allows for a second helping of many menu favorites. All you have to do is ask!
Q. What happens when I enter one of the three resident dining cafés?
When you enter one of our resident dining cafés, we’ll scan your ID at our register which deducts one meal. While in any of our cafés, you must be wearing shoes and other proper attire at all times.
Q. Can I bring visitors or outside guests into the cafés?
Yes! Visitors must be escorted by current AAU students, staff, or faculty members. When bringing visitors into one of our resident dining cafés, another form of payment must be used as the meals on your plan are for your use only. Due to our limited space, we must reserve all seating to paying students and customers.
Q. I heard “All You Care to Eat” is the way my meal plan works, is that true?
It’s true! With that being said, you’re only allowed to take two(2) pieces of whole fruit per meal on your way out from the cafés. Removing any other items such as utensils, plates and cups etc. is not permitted.
Q. Can I take any meals or additional food outside of the cafés?
We are temporarily allowing you, as a student to take all of your meals to go. Any and all forms of dining in person is currently prohibited in order to comply with county health orders.
What if I lost or my ID card was stolen?
Lost or stolen ID Cards (which have your meal plan loaded onto them) can be replaced. Should this happen to you, contact Campus Safety at (415) 618-3911.
What is Knight Kash?
Knight Kash is a stored value program, which can be used just like cash. It may be used at any campus dining location ( Café’s and Kiosks) and any participating Knight Kash merchant. Adding more Knight Kash to your account may be done at anytime. The Knight Kash program will enhance the student experience and broaden student access to local restaurants and merchants. Giving students the capability to use their Knight Kash off campus provides added flexibility for their meal plan.